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New here, i am glad you find this blog and it is the right time for you to see the world, your life in a different angle. I want to tell you a secret which only few people in the world know about it or only a few people use it. Want to know who they are ? they are Albert Einsteen, Edison, Galileo... so on. Its a secret that change our life, a secret that will stay us in happy always, having fun, Rich and successful person and feel blessed

Before that let me ask some questions

Why the rich people getting more rich and poor more poor ?
Why many of us are always sick and affected by deadly diseases like cancer ?
Why you are not happy while others are ?

Do you think its because God doesnt love you ?  no way, he created you.
Do you think poor gets more poor because there is so much corruption ? If you think so think so think again in different angle, its not the reason. am sure

Now think of this. Wright brothers invented aeroplane. we all know that. Its a creative work. What do you think how he  came to invent aeroplane. Nobody has ever thought of that before,  nobody knows that it exist. how somebody came to know about it. There should be a source of knowledge. No one can create anything from nothing, there should be a source, to me it is my books, but what is it to him ?? So there is something in the universe that we dont know about, that they know. My this journey is to find out that source

There are so many examples. The guy who invented electricity, bulb, Dr Einsteen
My AIM by creating this blog is to answer all the questions and find out the secret behind their success
Yeah of course it is possible to become a man like them, but you dont want to be like them, you can be yourself which is better than them. Are you ready to start the journey
Follow this blog to find your answer...

please bookmark this site , you may need to come back again.

with love


  1. Interesting!!! Waiting for the next article. Go ahead.

    1. thank you krishnanunny. i will do my best to make it more interesting. thank you for your commend
