Indestructible weapon of Terrorism - The Subconscious Mind

You may be thinking how the subconscious mind can be a weapon, what it has to do with terrorism. In order to understand that, you need to know what the subconscious mind does and what terrorism is.
Subconscious mind, in this case, is where our beliefs are stored; beliefs like god, belief in yourself, your abilities, even beliefs you aren't aware of. This means, in real life, we act according to our stored beliefs. The thing is, the subconscious mind cannot think. It only does what it’s programmed or rather asked for. Thinking is carried out by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind doesn't think; it just does.

 So what does subconscious mind do?

 It acts according to what is stored i.e.. our beliefs.  Whatever we believe in will be reflected in our real life, courtesy the subconscious. So, if we could find a way to instruct the subconscious mind, couldn’t we do anything?
Read more about the subconscious mind and belief system here.

Now, how terrorism works is pretty simple. They use children, who’re unable to think for themselves, and train them. Not mere physical training, but training for the subconscious mind, through ways that we would consider inhuman. It’s somewhat like programming a robot. And there is just one primary order. KILL. That’s enough to create powerful weapons of terror like Kasab, who was responsible for the terror attack in Mumbai (India), killing hundreds, even children, without any mercy. This is what he was created for. He is just a pawn, who obeys commands. Another example of exploitation of the subconscious mind is in the South African diamond mines. Children are kidnapped, trained, programmed and exploited, something that is best depicted in the movie “Blood Diamond”.
Isn’t it a powerful weapon? The subconscious mind is always exploited by super powers for their needs and profit. My question is, if it can be used it to destroy and for evil, why can’t we use it for good? For our good, for the nation, for the world. Maybe this is the reason it has been hidden from us. Now is the time friends. Wake up. Let’s create a better world.
With love,

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree, Sheril.
    The battle begins and is eventually moulded into a war right inside the mind. Hatred is sown in young minds who have not seen love as an alternative and thus believe that violence is the only solution.
