Sub Conscious mind- The most powerful weapon

It is Edison who said “Don’t go to sleep without giving command to your sub conscious mind. So he knows about the Subconscious mind and he used it and you can see success in his life.

What is Sub Conscious mind?      

               Simply it is a small room in your mind. The truth is “For those who know it exist and for those who use it, they control their own life and for those who didn’t know about it, then the Sub conscious mind rules you.

Wants to know how subconscious mind do it ?

There are some belief systems in our minds. The belief of your mind is stored in a small shelf inside your Subconscious mind. These beliefs always reflect in your life. If your belief is like I am smart, you always behave like a smart guy, but if your belief is like I am afraid or I am sad, am not good enough, your life reflects them only. That’s how they rule them.

             But if you know how the Subconscious mind works, then you can easily master them and change your belief, and hence you can find happiness in your life. So you can control your life.

Why subconscious mind is the most powerful weapon?

            Subconscious mind has some more functions. They don’t think about whether this will do good or harm to anyone, they just do whatever command it gets.

            Here is a small story. Long back when Coco cola company during their research on how to increase sales, they did an experiment, they inserted a text typed Drink Coco cola in a corner of a movie screen. It was a shocking result that during the interval time most of them brought a Coco cola. What do you think? Yeah it is the subconscious mind it won’t think, it just do…

           Subconscious mind also act as a “radio station“ when we think something, like think you want to eat some delicious food today(for free), you think about it repeatedly so that the thought has reached your subconscious mind. It transmit the signal to the universe; now the universe( the ether energy) knows everything and nothing is difficult for it; the universe will find a way to you to get what you want and with appropriate actions; may transmit signals to your friends Subconscious and they give a treat to you. Just try this; it will work; only thing you have to do is believe it and desire it. It works , it worked many times for me.

             And now this is the way even new inventions are taking birth.

            Isn’t it powerful? Try this now itself. I will help you with them in the coming post.
With love


1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing the information with us it was very informative Dream
