Mind – The most powerful software ever made

Mind is the part of a person that thinks, reason, feel bla bla bla…… who want this ??

Mind is a powerful tool that human has which help them to have anything in life, from a great behaviour, a great attitude to even heal a deadly disease like cancer. It is a powerful tool that contains enormous amount of energy and energy means everything

Everybody knows that the brain is an organ in the human body, situated in the skull. But do you know where the mind is situated? Let me explain.

Think of ourselves as a computer, where the brain is the hardware and the mind is the software through which our brain works.

How powerful is our software: mind ?

Previously, the scientific world thought that our brain is static. Meaning, once it was fully developed on attainment of physical maturity, that was it. No more changes. But now, neuroscientists have discovered that our brain is dynamic; it’s evolving. Not huge monkey-to-man evolution or something, but rather small minute changes, depending on our daily experiences, our activities, both physical and mental and so on. It’s the mind that is responsible for all these changes. So, if it can cause changes to our brain, isn’t it quite powerful?

How to use your mind:

You already know the answer don’t you? Just observe, think and decide. It’s just a three step process by which the universe responds to your mind. Thoughts and feelings both are the main inputs to which your software responds to.
Do as you please. Go rule the world. As long as you use your brain properly, you’ll be able to do whatever you want(there are certain limits, of course!).

How can you have them?

 There is a small portion in your mind that represents the sub consciousness which decides who you are, what you think and what you do….

How does this work??

It all works in just 3 steps:
              Think   -->   believe -->   feel
More about it in my future updates….

My final words for now: Your thoughts are an extraordinary energy, which can turn the world around……. IF YOU USE IT WISELY

With Love,


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