Are you brave enough to explore yourself ? (1/4)

Have you ever tried exploring yourself? And if you have, have you ever felt ashamed of yourself? If you have, don’t worry. You are part of that 95% of the world population who have felt the same. Trust me, I have felt the same. But it’s not the end….

If you’re sure you want to know what you are, you want a happy life, positive attitude, lovely friends and a heavenly relationship, then its time for you to explore yourself. If you’re brave enough, then let’s go…..

Get into a silent peaceful place where you’re sure that no one can disturb you.Get away from your mobile phone and laptop. Get away from bright light. Proper ventilation should be there. Take a pen and paper. Sit down in a comfortable position and close your eyes…take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do it at least three times…let go of all your worries when you exhale. Do it until u feel relaxed…..

Now think from your childhood to today and find out what feelings come to you, accept it…You may have feelings like 

  • I am not good enough…
  • I am afraid of people and what they’ll think about me…
  • It’s not for me, I’m an average person…how can I attain it..
  • Money is hard to make, I have to struggle

Write down every feeling you get…Don’t worry about how much you got, even I’d  got 4 pages. It will hurt you, don't keep them again inside you. you are going to change all that with positive feelings…so write down as much as possible… ARE YOU READY?? This is the best thing you’ve ever done in your life…its gonna change you…You are going to have a life you always dreamt about…. 

Now read your list and categorise them according to similarity like:

  • I’m not good enough for relationships..
  • I’m not good enough to go on stage for anything

Here the common thing is “I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH”. You would want to change that belief…so categorise them accordingly….

Are you done with the list?? Now be aware your beliefs… you would want to know about your concrete beliefs... And now you can change it for the better so that all your positive beliefs will reflect in your day to day life.

See you in your next post of this series….Please write your comments in the section below…
With Love,

Sub Conscious mind- The most powerful weapon

It is Edison who said “Don’t go to sleep without giving command to your sub conscious mind. So he knows about the Subconscious mind and he used it and you can see success in his life.

What is Sub Conscious mind?      

               Simply it is a small room in your mind. The truth is “For those who know it exist and for those who use it, they control their own life and for those who didn’t know about it, then the Sub conscious mind rules you.

Wants to know how subconscious mind do it ?

There are some belief systems in our minds. The belief of your mind is stored in a small shelf inside your Subconscious mind. These beliefs always reflect in your life. If your belief is like I am smart, you always behave like a smart guy, but if your belief is like I am afraid or I am sad, am not good enough, your life reflects them only. That’s how they rule them.

             But if you know how the Subconscious mind works, then you can easily master them and change your belief, and hence you can find happiness in your life. So you can control your life.

Why subconscious mind is the most powerful weapon?

            Subconscious mind has some more functions. They don’t think about whether this will do good or harm to anyone, they just do whatever command it gets.

            Here is a small story. Long back when Coco cola company during their research on how to increase sales, they did an experiment, they inserted a text typed Drink Coco cola in a corner of a movie screen. It was a shocking result that during the interval time most of them brought a Coco cola. What do you think? Yeah it is the subconscious mind it won’t think, it just do…

           Subconscious mind also act as a “radio station“ when we think something, like think you want to eat some delicious food today(for free), you think about it repeatedly so that the thought has reached your subconscious mind. It transmit the signal to the universe; now the universe( the ether energy) knows everything and nothing is difficult for it; the universe will find a way to you to get what you want and with appropriate actions; may transmit signals to your friends Subconscious and they give a treat to you. Just try this; it will work; only thing you have to do is believe it and desire it. It works , it worked many times for me.

             And now this is the way even new inventions are taking birth.

            Isn’t it powerful? Try this now itself. I will help you with them in the coming post.
With love


Mind – The most powerful software ever made

Mind is the part of a person that thinks, reason, feel bla bla bla…… who want this ??

Mind is a powerful tool that human has which help them to have anything in life, from a great behaviour, a great attitude to even heal a deadly disease like cancer. It is a powerful tool that contains enormous amount of energy and energy means everything

Everybody knows that the brain is an organ in the human body, situated in the skull. But do you know where the mind is situated? Let me explain.

Think of ourselves as a computer, where the brain is the hardware and the mind is the software through which our brain works.

How powerful is our software: mind ?

Previously, the scientific world thought that our brain is static. Meaning, once it was fully developed on attainment of physical maturity, that was it. No more changes. But now, neuroscientists have discovered that our brain is dynamic; it’s evolving. Not huge monkey-to-man evolution or something, but rather small minute changes, depending on our daily experiences, our activities, both physical and mental and so on. It’s the mind that is responsible for all these changes. So, if it can cause changes to our brain, isn’t it quite powerful?

How to use your mind:

You already know the answer don’t you? Just observe, think and decide. It’s just a three step process by which the universe responds to your mind. Thoughts and feelings both are the main inputs to which your software responds to.
Do as you please. Go rule the world. As long as you use your brain properly, you’ll be able to do whatever you want(there are certain limits, of course!).

How can you have them?

 There is a small portion in your mind that represents the sub consciousness which decides who you are, what you think and what you do….

How does this work??

It all works in just 3 steps:
              Think   -->   believe -->   feel
More about it in my future updates….

My final words for now: Your thoughts are an extraordinary energy, which can turn the world around……. IF YOU USE IT WISELY

With Love,


My journey to find out the secret

i am glad you find this blog and it is the right time for you to see the world, your life in a different angle. I want to tell you a secret which only few people in the world know about it or only a few people use it. Want to know who they are ? they are Albert Einstein, Edison, Galileo... so on. Its a secret that change our life, a secret that will stay us in happy always, having fun, Rich and successful person and feel blessed

Before that let me ask some questions

Why the rich people getting more rich and poor more poor ?
Why many of us are always sick and affected by deadly diseases like cancer ?
Why you are not happy while others are ?

Do you think its because God doesn't love you ?  no way, he created you.
Do you think poor gets more poor because there is so much corruption ? If you think so think so think again in different angle, its not the reason. am sure

Now think of this. Wright brothers invented aeroplane. we all know that. Its a creative work. What do you think how he  came to invent aeroplane. Nobody has ever thought of that before,  nobody knows that it exist. how somebody came to know about it. There should be a source of knowledge. No one can create anything from nothing, there should be a source, to me it is my books, but what is it to him ?? So there is something in the universe that we don't know about, that they know. My this journey is to find out that source

There are so many examples. The guy who invented electricity, bulb, Dr Einstein
My AIM by creating this blog is to answer all the questions and find out the secret behind their success
Yeah of course it is possible to become a man like them, but you don't want to be like them, you can be yourself which is better than them. Are you ready to start the journey
Follow this blog to find your answer...

please bookmark this site , you may need to come back again.

with love


You know that "Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another".  Hope you believe it. That means there is abundance of energy in the universe, the universe is self sustained

What humans are made up of? cells right. cells are made up of cell organelles which in tern made up of molecules, and molecules are made up of atoms. What an atom contains is abundance of energy inside its nucleus-nuclear energy. A human body contain as much energy as it can supply electricity to a whole city for 1 week. Think of it..

So universe and humans all are made up of energy and they can communicates with each other. but how they communicates ? Here comes the Thoughts. Thought is an energy, when we think we create an energy within us and releases to the universe and universe replies us through the same energy form or different. Its like a radio, so where is the radio station ?
It is the subconscious mind, our subconscious mind acts as an transmitter and also as an antenna. With the help of subconscious mind we can communicates with the universe.

Why i want to communicate with the universe?

When you hear a radio, you are hearing the sound which is a form of energy. A radio wave ( an energy form ) is transferred to sound energy from the atmosphere through an antenna and a transducer
Universe also works on the same principle. It contains a lot of energy, a lot of knowledge that we still had never known and access to, a lot of power. So if we tune our antenna and transducer ( subconscious mind ) to receive these energy, Anything will be possible, right ?
That is what Einstein, Edison and other people do.

So what ever we want, what ever we wish, we desire we can get them whether it is 1 billion dollars, a new Rolls Royce car, happiness, joy, or even inventions or anything. The universe will find a way to reach you to manifest your dream. Only thing you have to do is tune your subconscious mind, desire to get it

What the end result is...

I love to know your response and Questions in the command section below
with love